Document Construction

If you ever produce written documents, anything from simple letters to complex reports or creative literary works, DocuPraxis can help.

The four principles of document construction:

  • Grouping (the construction of groups by comparing and contrasting)
  • Ordering (ordering a set of data according to selected criteria)
  • Linking (determining meaningful links between all elements of a set of data.)
  • Structuring (building a hierarchical structure that accommodates and links all the groups in the set)

DocuPraxis Application in Document Preparation

DocuPraxis helps in the construction any type of document:

  • books (fiction and non-fiction)
  • letters
  • manuals
  • reports
  • research papers

DocuPraxis enables you to structure, reorder and refine documents, secure in the knowledge that, whatever changes you make, the program is holding the document together throughout.

Whether you are preparing a business report, writing an essay, authoring a book, compiling a manual or simply researching a subject, DocuPraxis will help you to organise your material and assist you in presenting your work in the most coherent and persuasive form.

DocuPraxis building and structuring a document

DocuPraxis enables you to develop structures for your document from the simplest to the most complex. You can work on any node within the structure as you please, knowing that DocuPraxis is holding the structure as a whole together.

DocuPraxis makes it easy for you to revise and rearrange the content within any branch of the structure and to reposition any branch within the structure as a whole.

It sounds simple. It is simple. But you will be amazed at how much you can improve your work by focusing on how best to organise and order your material. DocuPraxis makes the organising and ordering easy.